It saddens me that I have to include a notice like this on my web site.
This web site and the information it contains are Copyright © 1995-2025 John M. Simpson.
Unless otherwise explicitly stated on the page or file you are reading, permission is hereby granted to any party who wishes to use, copy, modify, and/or re-publish the information contained on this web site, for any reason, under the following conditions:
Any copied, modified, or otherwise re-published version shall contain a reference to the URL which contains the information you wish to copy, modify, or re-publish. If your re-published version is in a format which supports hypertext links, this link must be "clickable", or otherwise allow your users to easily reach the original page on my site.
Retrieval of content from this web site shall not be made using Microsoft Internet Explorer or any program which uses Microsoft Internet Explorer (or its internal components) as a method of accessing, displaying, printing, or otherwise processing the content. This condition does not apply to the page explaining the security problems with Microsoft Internet Explorer, the graphic elements on that page, or this copyright notice.
All computer code contained on this web site is covered under the terms of the GNU General Public License, VERSION 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, unless otherwise noted in the code itself.
The code and information contained on this web site carries no warranty of any kind. I will not be held responsible for anything that any person other than myself may do or not do with the information contained on this site. If you don't agree to this, don't visit my web site or use any information you may find there.